Monday, February 16, 2009


Saturday we held our family's Kindness Jar Celebration at Marbles Kids Museum. The Kindness Jar is a giant plastic jar. When someone in our family is caught being kind they get to add a golf ball to the Kindness Jar. (No fair doing something nice and then asking if you can get a kindness ball!) When the jar is full we do something fun as a family. This was our first Kindness Jar Celebration and we had a blast! :)

Lily running around the lobby of the museum.

They really do LOVE each other!

Cassidy was SOOOOOOOOOO excited!

Checking out all the "marbles" on the walls and floor.

Cassidy playing a giant game of chess.

Cassidy driving the bus that led into the miniature city!

Daddy, this is the car I want for my 16th birthday!

In the ambulance, Doctor Lily gives Cassidy a check-up.

Fishing - Uncle Bailey would have been proud!

This one's for Grandma!

Picking vegetables on the farm.

Our pretty princess dressing up to put on a performance.

Lily looked SO cute...but she REALLY wanted to play with the glue!

Daddy playing the part of the dragon!

Lily in the "Crews Quarter" of the pirate ship.

In the pirate ship, Cassidy surveys the waters from the Crow's Nest.

Lily steering the ship

Safety First! (This picture cracks me up!)

Cassidy sawing a piece of wood

The girls in the Lego castle Joey and I built.

Cassidy trying out for the Carolina Hurricanes.

She scored a goal...Joey was so proud!

Playing in the "Peas & Carrots" ball pit.

Lily was wallowing in the balls!

A picture in the Observation Tower overlooking the street. We had a FUN day!
This is Cassidy and Lily's performance on the stage in the mini-city.

1 comment:

Criss said...

Ok, I like the ambulance one! LOL Do I see a possible nurse in our future!!?????

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