Monday, February 09, 2009

Prayer at the Park

Sunday was beautiful so Joey and I thought it would be a perfect day to have our own little family fellowship at the park. We found a nice grassy spot to sit and read from Genesis 1. The girls loved hearing about how God made the night and day, the oceans, the grasses, the trees and animals. Cassidy especially loved the verses about God making two great lights, one to rule over the day and the lesser to rule over the night..."the sun and moon!" she exclaimed excitedly. It was so awesome to see her get a thrill from God's wonderful Word.

After some prayer, we feasted on a picnic lunch and then the girls played all over the park! What a blessing to enjoy all that God made!

Cassidy munching on an apple slice
The girls enjoyed the nature trails almost more than the playground. They spent a good portion of their time running back and forth across this bridge collecting berries, leaves, sticks, pine straw and flowers that they bestowed upon me as gifts! :)

Joey's favorite picture - big sister in the foreground, little sister in the background

Cassidy bringing me a flower from her explorations

This holly tree was of great interest...we were a little concered about Lily eating the berries, but Cassidy kept a close eye on her so I don't think she ingested any.

Cassidy and her shadow

Lily found a big stick! She was so proud.

Climbing on the playground...Lily has NO fear and climbed on everything with the big kids!

Cassidy practicing for her driving test. :)


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