Friday, February 06, 2009

Next Time Won't You Sing With Me?

This is a video of Lily singing the alphabet song. I wasn't fast enough with the camera, so the video starts when she's already on the letter D. It always amazes me how fast little ones learn. She knows so many songs (today on the swings she was singing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" - I was shocked because my dad sang her that song last summer at the beach and I'm not sure she's heard it much since then!) and she is already using her imagination thanks to Cassidy's example. (Cassidy, btw, is a great teacher and loves to impart her 3 year old wisdom to Lily!) Lily can also count to 12 by herself and to 20 with help...I tried to get her to do it on the video, but as you can see she would not cooperate! :)

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