Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Count Your Many Blessings, See What God Hath Done!

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it's sometimes easy to get bogged down in the frustrations and negativity. I would like to be able to say that I always have a positive attitude, but I know that's not true. I do try to be a positive and kind person, and to emulate the qualities I would like my daughters to demonstrate as Christians, but on occasion I do have a bad day, a weak moment, and my frustrations get the better of me. Joey and I each had just such a moment this morning. The reasons are not worth mentioning and, in the grand scheme of things, are not really important.

So, as I work to renew my mind and change my thinking back to what God's Word says, I thought I'd make a list of just a few of the wonderful blessings I enjoy each and every day.
  1. God who is my sufficiency, my all in all. He will do "exceeding abundantly above all I ask or think." Through His grace I am redeemed, justified, sanctified..."there is therefore now no condemnation" for me...I am "seated in the heavenlies"...I am "more than a conqueror"...I have been "blessed with all spiritual blessings"..."I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me"...I am "endued with power from on high"..."Behold now are we the sons of God"! What else do I need?
  2. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who gave his life for me so that I could be a born-again son of God. I can enjoy unspeakable abundance in this life and look forward to an eternity better than I could ever imagine with God and Jesus Christ.
  3. Joey - My loving husband who works tirelessly to take care of our family. Every wife should be so blessed as to have a man who is so kind and loving to everyone in his life, who works side by side with her to raise the children and take care of the household, and who has such a wonderfully tender heart for God.
  4. Cassidy and Lily - My two beautiful, intelligent, eager, kind, and loving daughters. They have healthy bodies and sound minds and they use them to the fullest each and every day. They teach me to let go and live life, that chasing butterflies and making wild onion soup is more important some days than finishing the laundry, and that they will still love me unconditionally even when they have to eat leftovers for dinner, they lose a privilege for misbehaving, or I have to work instead of play with them. My greatest privilege and challenge in this life is being their mother.
  5. The privilege of teaching God's Word to Cassidy and Lily. It is so amazing to watch them grow in their love for God and in their understanding of His word. Recently we watched a Veggies Tales episode about Ester. The girls were enthralled with the story and it gave me a wonderful opportunity to share the real record with them from the Bible.
  6. Family and Friends that love us and support us in every situation. We value all the laughter and love they bring to our lives and into our home. They make us better by building us up, being our sounding boards, being our soft place to fall, and making us laugh until our sides ache, even in the darkest of moments.
  7. Healthy bodies and sound minds - We are thankful each day for our health. We know there are many that struggle with sickness and disease and we are blessed that our bodies remain strong.

These are just a few reminders to myself of why I don't need to complain. When the distractions in life start to get the better of me, I need to refocus my thoughts on the things of God and be mindful of all that has been accomplished on my behalf. It makes dealing with the "small stuff" so much easier! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tracey, You did a wonderful job at counting your many blessings. If we all would take the time to focus on the wonderful things that God has done , then we'd have less time to see the negative side of things and have a lot less to complain about. Thanks for sharing your insights with us! Hope your day is the best ever. I love you. Grandma

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