Wednesday, April 08, 2009

While Daddy's Away, the Cousins Will Play!

Last weekend, while Joey was on a fishing trip with Uncle Bailey, the girls and I went with Mema to Chesapeake to visit our cousins. As always, we had so much fun and our time together went by too quickly!

Mema riding tricycles with Cassidy

Lily taking her time on the slide while cousin Sam waits patiently

Swinging at Aunt Brenda's house

Close your eyes while Aunt Brenda hides the Easter eggs! (OK, two people here are cheating!)

Cousins Cassidy, Samantha, and Lily
(Look at those precious faces...somebody fix Cassidy's ribbon!)

Swinging with Aunt Sue

Checking out the peacocks at the Norfolk Zoo

Feeding the goats at the petting zoo
(This was the highlight of the day for Lily, except maybe for seeing the "HUGE" elephants. Everyone thought it was so funny that she described them as "huge" in her most dramatic voice!)

Cassidy feeding the goats...I am always slightly surprised that they go right up to the animals with no hesitation. :)
(The other highlight of the trip for Cassidy was that she saw a cheetah. It was actually an Ocelot (sp?), but she was yelling, "Mommy, come quick! It's a cheetah!" And Sam was echoing her, "A Cheeto! A Cheeto!" Too funny!)

Cassidy and Sam sitting on the butterfly chair

Nice face, Lily!

Oh, good! Sam decided to join her! :)

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