Friday, May 22, 2009

Cassidy's Last Day of Preschool

Tuesday was Cassidy's last day of preschool. Her class capped off the year with an ice cream party. Nothing says fun to 3-year-olds like ice cream and all the fixin's. Can you say sugar high?!?!

Cassidy and her friend Maire

Lily was SO excited to be included in the party. She has believed all year that she is actually part of the class. :)

Cassidy's Class
(James, Cassidy, Maire, Gabby, Fortsen, Collin, Wyatt, and Austin)

Ms. Laura passing out soda...because they hadn't had ENOUGH sugar!
(I am going to miss having her as Cassidy's teacher. She is just fabulous!!!)

Cassidy getting silly with James...and the rest of the class. The ice cream was taking effect! :)

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