Monday, June 01, 2009

Green Thumb

Since Spring Break, we've had an ongoing landscaping project at our house. Although it is not 100% complete, I wanted to share what we've done so far. With the help of Joey's twin brother, John, and my dad, we (and by "we" I mostly mean Joey...I've been on kid patrol most of the time) have been able to make our house look the way we've always wanted it to. As Joey likes to joke, it only took us 5 1/2 years! :)

Joey and John tilled and leveled the ground to lay brick borders in the flower beds, around the Cleveland Pear tree, and the mailbox. My dad and Joey spread about 80 bags of mulch and voila! It's not fancy, but it's neat, clean and manageable...perfect for me and Joey who WILL kill a plant if at all possible. Green thumbs we are not!
The final touch will be to add an ornamental tree in the flower bed in honor of the new baby. This has become a family tradition and we have a tree in our yard that represents each member of our clan!

Lily could have cared less about helping us plant flowers around the mailbox. She was busy looking at her shell collection.

Cassidy, on the other hand, could not wait to be Daddy's helper. She donned her gardening gloves and went right to work!

Daddy and Daughter

Lily finally realized that she might be missing something fun. Here she comes running down the driveway carrying all her shells! :)

OK, we have our shovels...just tell us where to dig!!!

The Finished Product
We planted lavendar Delphinium and yellow Lilies. The delphinium doesn't look that great here. It's not a couple of days later and all the blossoms are bursting's just lovely!

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