Monday, June 01, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Joey had planned a simple family dinner for my birthday, but Cassidy had other ideas. She insisted that I needed a birthday party, complete with decorations, party hats, and party favors. The following is completely her design:

Lily in her party sun visor and lei. She was boogeying to the Hawaiian music CD that Cassidy chose for the party.

Cassidy shaking a leg...literally!

Me in my visor and special Birthday Girl Necklace

Some of our party decorations

The biggest birthday balloon in the world!

We even had streamers! Seriously, I think this is the most decoration I've ever had at my birthday party! :)

And what birthday would be complete without a Carvel Snickers Ice Cream Cake? (Ooops, I just drooled on the keyboard a little!) Apparently we did not have any candles, so I had a birthday match instead. Everybody sing fast!!!

Happy and Full
Besides birthday cake we had Julie Canavin's famous lasagne...Joey made it, but it's her recepie...SO YUMMY! Also, lots of french bread and salad and homemade lemon-limeade. Then it was time for presents. Joey let the girls pick their own presents...I was a little nervous. Cassidy bought me a nightlight for our bathroom (she wanted to buy me a giant green one, but Joey talked her into a small, white one) and Lily gave me a tall Mickey Mouse mug for my hot tea (she actually wanted to give me a Mickey Mouse ring, but they couldn't find one, so Joey was able to talk her into a slightly more practical gift). The new baby gave me a copy of the book "Horton Hears a Who" and Joey bought me two books, "Mommywood" and "The Duggers: 20 and Counting." Talk about being spoiled!!! The best part of it all was that my sweet family put a lot of thought and love into every part of the day!

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