Saturday, June 06, 2009

Lily's 2-Year Portraits

Today we had Lily's 2-year portraits made and also got some photos made of the girls together. They did a fabulous job of following directions and smiling for the camera...probably because I said that everyone who did a good job would get jelly beans after the photo shoot! Whatever works, right?!?!

Lily's pictures were all so lovely, I had a hard time choosing. In fact, we ended up purchasing 9 different poses by the time all was said and done! :)


Little Lady

This was the last picture of the photo shoot. I think the photographer would have tried a few more, but she had the "I'm finished" pout on.

My how she's grown!

Our Little Princess

Bunny Love

Sweet Girl


We got the BEST smiles today!

There's nothing like having a sister.

Shhhh, Cassidy.

"Ring Around the Rosey"

Busy doing their own thing

Love ya, sis!

Eskimo Kisses

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL! BEAUTIFUL!! What else can anyone say? I love them ALL. And I'll take one of each. OK, I'm only kidding, but please don't make me choose. I'm sooooo proud to be the grandma of these two lovely,sweet little girls!

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