Saturday, July 11, 2009

Celebrating the 4th in Southport!

It is a Walls family tradition to attend the 4th of July parade in Southport. However, in the 13 years I have known Joey, I have only been once because our Sunset Beach vacation always falls during the week of the 4th...and once we're on the island we don't leave unless it's an emergency (ie. We ran out of food!). This year since the 4th fell on Saturday we were able to stop and enjoy the parade with the family on the way to the beach. The girls had never been, so it was especially fun to go with the fam!

It was H-O-T (as one would expect it would be at the beach in July), so the girls enjoyed the first 20 minutes of the parade and then started begging to leave and drive to the beach so they could get in the water! With the help of some lollipops we were able to endure to the bitter end. They did enjoy the dance troups and the music, but Cassidy didn't like the fire truck sirens or the loud zooming of the go-carts and Lily was terrified of the clowns. The highlight of the parade was a clown named Mozo who rode around on his "Pooter Scooter," a motorized potty. The girls talked about him the entire week at the beach!

Walking on the waterfront before the parade. This picture was taken in front of the Garrison House.

Cassidy and Connor holding hands. His hands were originally full of cars that he had insisted on sleeping with the night before because he didn't want to let go of them, but for Cassidy he made an exception! :)

Lily playing on the playground before the parade

Connor looking cute in his baseball cap

Connor and Uncle John

Cassidy furiously waving her American flag

The lollipops that saved the parade!

Grandma and Aunt Criss

Katie and Jon-Jon

Whitney and Adrien

1 comment:

Criss said...

It was hot, wasn't it? But I am glad we got to endure it together! Hope your beach trip was fun!

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