Monday, August 31, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Today was Cassidy and Bennett's first day of preschool. They are both going 3 days a week - Cassidy in the 4's class and Bennett in the 3's class. Cassidy was super-excited and joined her new class like an old pro. The 4's class is modeled after the kindergarten experience, so there are 15 kids in her class with a teacher and full-time assistant. They have assigned seats and cubbies and their day is more learning-focused with centers and even bible time every morning. Cassidy was very excited when I picked her up today and her teacher, Mrs. Colburn said she had an awesome day. HOORAY!!!

Poor Bennett's day did not start our on such a positive note. We dropped Cassidy at her class first, and he started crying when he realized what was going on (ie. we were leaving her there). At his own class, his teacher (and Cassidy's former teacher), Ms. Laura, had to pry him off my body. He was hanging on so hard he almost pulled my pants off...what a way that would have been to start Ms. Laura's class...naked pregnant lady! Fortunately, by the time I picked him up he was content and working with another child to put together a puzzle. Ms. Laura said he cried for only about 3 minutes, which was a relief. Hopefully Wednesday won't be quite so traumatic.

A card I made for Cassidy and hid in her lunchbox. It's hard to read thanks to my flash! :)

Cassidy, Lily, and Bennett all ready for school. Notice Lily, too, had to wear a bookbag and carry a "lunchbox."

My Sweet Girls

Cassidy showing off her bookbag and lunchbox.

Sooooo excited to be going back to school!

Bennett all smiles on his first day of preschool

Showing off his matching lunchbox and bookbag...they all seemed to know exactly how to model for me! :)

The girls posing together...Lily HAD to be with big sis!

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