Thursday, August 27, 2009

How We Spend Our Days...

So, what does a pregnant stay-at-home mother of 2, babysitter of 1, do for entertainment when the kids are overtired, cranky, and already finished with breakfast at 7:00 a.m.? She lubes everyone with sunscreen, throws on bathing suits and heads outside for 3 1/2 hours of fun in the sun! We were literally outside today from 7:30-11:00 a.m. ... and this is how we spent our time!

Putting wet handprints on every single brick lining our flowerbeds

Cassidy directing the work crew, as usual.

Mission accomplished!
We found some slugs. Cassidy was the only one brave enough to touch them.

Then we went for a dip...or apparently Lily went for a drink!

Next, maybe it's time for a spin on the trike...

...or a slide into the pool!

Cassidy discovered that she could make water squirt out of the watergun by blowing into the hole on the side. They all thought this was fabulous!

Sharing takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to tricycle rides at our house!

(And although it looks questionable, he IS holding the tricycle seat, not grabbing her hinney!)

Practicing our balancing skills...look out 2020 Olympics!

Slow and Steady

Now for a little artwork

Cassidy turned our chalk drawings into watercolors!

Perhaps it's time for a little light sweeping...

...or maybe a horsey ride!

Ride 'em, Cowboy!

There's nothing like a lounge in the pool after a hard day's play!

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