Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cassidy's 4-Year Portraits

I took Cassidy to have her 4-Year portraits made. She was an excellent subject and was thrilled to pose for the camera. And, as usual, I had a REALLY hard time deciding which poses order!

Look at those eyes...this one's going in our living room!

She LOVEd having the pink flower in her hair!

I love this one with her hands over her heart!

Love the flower between her feet!

A look from above

This is the Cassidy I know...SILLY!



She has gotten SO tall!

Pretty girl

This is a gorgeous enhancement...the sales guy was making a BIG push for me to order this one! :)


I love this one, not only because of the lighting, but because she was looking at me and I was saying "I love you" when it was taken!

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