Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Cassidy's 4th Birthday

Just a few pictures from the birthday festivities today. We are not opening presents until Saturday because Joey has late nights all this week. On Saturday morning I am taking Cassidy to have her 4-year portraits made while Joey and Lily stay home to make her a special birthday lunch. Her choice? Tacos! Then we'll decorate - and EAT - cupcakes and open presents...stay tuned for more pics!

Cassidy's Fairy Cake
Yes, I realize that it's a butterfly cake. We added a Rosetta figurine to the top to make it an official Fairy Cake!
Joey surprised Cassidy this morning with a big birthday balloon...

...12 pink roses...

... and a special Tinkerbell musical birthday card. She was thrilled! She has been asking for pink roses for her birthday ever since Joey brought Lily flowers on HER birthday!

Joey reading Cassidy her birthday card...and getting a little teary. OK, so maybe I was teary too! Why do I always get a little sad on their birthdays?!?! Maybe it's not sadness, but overwhelming love. :)

Cassidy's preschool class singing Happy Birthday! Lily LOVED getting to sit next to Cassidy at the big kid table and Cassidy was the model big sister, sharing her lunch with Lily and taking care of her the whole time. :)

Blowing out her candles while wearing the Birthday Crown Mrs. Colburn let her make this morning!

Me and My Favorite Girls

Our Family
We were so glad Joey could sneak away from school at the last minute to surprise Cassidy during her preschool party!

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