Sunday, October 18, 2009

ECU Homecoming 2009

We spent Saturday in Greenville celebrating ECU's Homecoming and cheering the Pirates to victory over Rice. The morning was FREEZING, but we still had fun at the parade and managed to get a few pictures in front of the new fountain on Wright of the prettiest spots on campus. The sun broke through the clouds right at kickoff, so we were able to remove several layers of clothing for most of the game. Lily is by far the Pirates' biggest fan and LOUDEST, most enthusiastic cheerleader. All the Pirates seated around us enjoyed her energy and were amazed that she knew all the words to the fight song. Cassidy had lots of questions about the football field, the rules of the game, and penalties. She also enjoyed the roasted peanuts Daddy bought as a snack! :)

Enjoying breakfast and a movie in the car on the way to Greenville!

Me and the girls in front of the new fountain

Lily, Cassidy, and Shamu...oh, wait...that's me!
(I think it's time for the baby to come when the maternity clothes start getting tight!)

Tossing pennies into the fountain

Family photo in Wright Circle...think Joey was cold in those shorts?!?!

Daddy's Girls

Daddy getting some sugar!

The girls watching the parade...and hoping someone will throw them some candy! Cassidy waved at every person and every float! :)

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