Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday, Lily Anne!

Sweet Lilybug,

I cannot believe another year has come and gone so quickly. Today we celebrate your 3rd birthday. It is amazing how much you have changed in the past year. You have grown so independent. You are writing your name and starting to read. You put on your own shoes and take yourself to the potty. And in the fall, after 2 years of waiting, you are finally going to preschool! I am so excited for you...you've been wanting to go since you were 14 months old!

Lily, I love how determined you are to succeed. I love your big, bright smile that lights up your face and the whole room and your contagious laughter. I love how you sing country, pop, rock, beach music, blues, Christian, and rap songs and do flips in the middle of the living room floor...all while shouting, "Look at me, Mommy!" I love your tender, kind, gentle heart, the way you love to snuggle, how you adore Cassidy, yet don't allow her to control you (at least ALL the time), and the way you tenderly watch over and play with Finny. I love how you love to help...doing the laundry, folding clothes, vaccuming and dusting, changing, dressing, and bathing Finny, and grocery shopping. I love how thankful you are and how graciously you show your appreciation to others. I love your heart for God, how you pray with boldness and share God's Word with others. I pray you will never lose your passion for God and His Word. You are a great example to me and you often remind me to trust God as my sufficiency. Your believing is a witness to us all.

Most of all, my sweet Lily, I love you! You are more wonderful, amazing, and precious to me than I could ever tell you. I thank God that I am your mother and that I have the privilege of watching you grow into a beautiful, young woman. I pray that God will continue to bless your life in the coming year and that you will continue to grow in His great grace and in a knowledge of Him.

I love you, my sweet girl! You are God's best!!!


1 comment:

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday sweet Lily! You are one special little girl and you definitely have an amazing mommy and daddy!

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