Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Summer of Change

Four and a half years ago when we first became parents, Joey and I could not have possibly known how dramatically our lives were going to change. We were realistic when it came to parenthood - we certainly didn't go in with any grand notions of the baby sleeping magically through the night and ONLY fussing when it wanted to be fed - but I don't think anyone fully understands how a baby affects every aspect of your life, your relationship, and your very being. Your life is no longer your own and in some ways it never will be again.

For me, that change was the most dramatic. Joey still went to work every day, saw and spoke to other adults, and was exposed to the outside world. I lived in a completely different world, surrounded by the same four walls, interacting only with one, then two, and now three, very demanding and often temperamental (albeit cute) little people. I took my role as a mother very seriously (I still do) and felt it was my job to spend my every waking moment doing something that was with, for, or about my children. It was the reason I had chosen to stay home with them and I was not going to waste my precious time. I still stand by the importance of my job as a mother, but after 4 1/2 years I have found that I somehow lost myself in the process...the person that was fun and interesting and could have a conversation that did NOT center around children.

I think Joey in his own way was feeling stuck in a rut, too, and so after much dicussion we have made a plan that we jokingly call the "Summer of Change." We have mapped out some long and short-term goals that I want to share on our blog...not because I think I have a huge readership, but because my brain doesn't function at 100% anymore and I want to remember where we started and where we wanted to go. I'll try to post as we start something new and then try to post updates of our progress. Here's what's currently underway:
  1. I wanted to challenge myself to learn something new, so I have purchased a Singer Futura sewing/embroidery machine and with the help of my fabulous Aunt Brenda and a Beginner's Sewing class through Wake Tech I am learning to sew and embroider. My first project is a matching set of pillowcase dresses for the girls that I am hoping to embroider or applique with a cupcake. I've barely started - it's hard to find time to sew with the kids underfoot - but just sewing the first few seams was VERY exciting for me...esp. because they didn't look half bad! :) My goal is to work at least 1 hour in the evenings several times a week. When I'm not sewing, I want to read 2 books that Joey gave me for Mother's Day and Joey and I also want to spend time reading our bibles together.
  2. Joey has been saying for years that he wants to write a book, so as he has time (or at least in the evenings while I am sewing) he is going to be working on a first draft. He's got lots of ideas and I've even read the first few pages of one of his stories. I'm really excited that he's finally taking some time to do something he enjoys.
  3. Our family is going vegetarian. Before I offend anyone, I should clarify. There is a correct term for it that I don't know, but we are becoming what I call "borderline vegetarians." The kids and Joey are going to still eat seafood and we will also eat dairy and eggs. Basically, we are giving up beef, poultry, and pork. This was Joey's idea and I am excited to see what positive changes we will experience in our family's overall health. Joey has been reading several books to glean proper dietary information and some creative recepies. We still have much to learn, but we are committed to this lifestyle for the summer, after which time we will re-evaluate what works best for our family. The girls have taken this change in stride...the only time they even batted an eyelash is when they realized they couldn't have bacon. And I don't really blame them...I'm going to miss bacon, too.

There is more to come as the summer progresses, but Joey and I are already energized and excited as we tackle these new challenges.


Kristy said...

I know I don't tell you this enough, but you truly inspire me as a wife and a mother! I can certainly relate to feeling overwhelmed at times by being a stay at home mom and I think it is awesome that you guys are taking the initiative to find time for yourselves and to try some new things! What a great lesson you are teaching those precious kiddos!

Tracey said...

Thanks for the encouragement! I can use it...esp. on days like today where I've accomplished nothing and the house is a wreck! :) Let's get together again soon!!!

Simply Fit Mama said...

You are awesome! These are some amazing changes. Can't wait to see what you are working on with your new machine...jealous a bit. I have always wanted an embroidery machine. :)

You guys will be : Pesce-Vegetarians. That's a great choice. I'm sure you guys will have fun finding new and creative recipes.

I can't wait to chat!

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