Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Potty Training a Monkey - Days 3-5

Finn's got this "pee-pee in the potty" thing down. He hasn't had an accident (except for a dribble this afternoon that he stopped and then went to the potty to finish) since Sunday. Several times he has called for me and I've found him already in the bathroom on the stool trying to get his pants down. He prides himself on being a big boy now, which has been great except for one thing...

He's convinced that big boys NEVER sit on the potty.

This becomes an issue when it's time to poop because standing and pooping on the bathroom floor is frowned upon in this establishment. So obviously poop has been a bit of an challenge. It didn't help that the boy who usually goes twice a day didn't poop until Day 3 of potty training. I kept looking for signs that he needed to go...the panicked look, clenched cheeks and stiff legs, shuddering...but nothing. For 2 1/2 days he showed no sign that he body was quickly filling with toxic levels of poop. And then, of course, during the 5 seconds I wasn't on him "like white on rice" (as my dad would say) he pooped in his underpants. He at least knew that he needed to get to the bathroom, which was where I found him. Same thing happened again on Tuesday and this afternoon. I was feeling frustrated, not because of the mess, but because I have been so focused on catching him pre- or mid-poop so that we could have a chance to practice going on the potty and I keep missing my opportunity...and I only get one a day. Joey was calm (which was slightly irritating) and assured me that everything would work out and in the meantime there'd only be one clean-up a day. "Says the person who DOESN'T have to clean it up!" I retorted.

Turns out he was right. At dinner Finn suddenly said he needed to go to the potty. When I went to get him I could smell him immediately...more poop was trying to escape! I took him to the bathroom and began what had become our routine of trying to wrestle him onto the potty while promising to read him some books if he would sit still. He was not in the mood and giving me a run for my money so Joey came in to take over. After several minutes of screaming and crying, he had him calmed down...and then Joey came out of the bathroom and closed the door. We left him in there alone for about 5 minutes and when Joey went to check him he had pooped...A LOT! MAJOR CELEBRATION took place...dancing, candy, phone calls, hugs, and a dinosaur toy. Now that we're over that hurdle hopefully the pooping process won't be so harrowing.

Finn also stayed dry all night last night for the first time. We got him up about an hour and a half after he went to bed. He was tired and cranky and not at all inclined to humor our requests for a pee-pee in the potty. He threw a major tantrum which is understandable...I'd be ticked too if someone interrupted my sleep...but sleeping in pee is not an option. We finally told him he could scream and cry as long as he wanted, but he wasn't going back to bed until he peed. After a few more minutes of flipping out - just to make sure we weren't going to crack - he gave in and peed. This was a major victory because the more he gets used to the routine the easier it will be to get him up to pee in the night. AND he woke up dry, so he got big praises and a little toy this morning.

I think it's safe to say that potty training has been a success. We'll still have accidents from time to time, but the progress he's made in 5 days is awesome. DEFINITELY my easiest potty training yet! :) As promised, here's a picture of the monkey in his Mickey Mouse undies:

Lookin' good, Big Boy!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I'd suck his dick

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