Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday, Finnegan Michael!

My sweet Finn,

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today you are two years old. Right now, at this very moment, you are the perfect combination of snuggly baby and busy, independent big boy. You still love spending time cuddled in my arms, but insist on doing many things for yourself like buckling your carseat, brushing your teeth, climbing on and off the potty, scaling ladders on the playground, and even "reading" stories. You love all things boy...especially Thomas, Tigger, Lightning and Mater, tractors, cars, trucks, balls, and dinosaurs...but you also love to be included in any girly, princess game that your sisters invent. You love making pillow forts, collecting rocks in the yard, drawing with sidewalk chalk, and telling jokes. You also love story time and your Ready to Learn Class. We've only been going to RTL for a few weeks now, but you already eagerly anticipate class each week...your teachers and the other parents are so impressed at how well you engage in the class at your young age.

Your mind has grown by leaps and bounds over the last year. You know your colors, your letters (and what sounds the letters make), and you can count to 30 almost by yourself. Mema and I watched in amazement one day while you sat quietly by yourself and sorted our shape blocks by color. Perhaps this is a normal skill for someone your age, but we'd never seen someone so young do that without prompting or help so we were impressed. And you have a great little vocabulary and - when you're in the mood - you love to tell us what's on your mind. You are serious and thoughtful, but also energetic and playful. You have discovered the power of being cute...and you use it to your advantage regularly!

Prayer has been a huge part of your growth this year. You've gone to praying with our help, to praying for the food on your own, and just in the last week you've started praying these long, beautiful prayers. You have been listening when others pray and you try to remember their personal requests and praises in your prayer. It is such a joy to hear you talk with God and to see you beginning to develop a relationship with Him.

Finn, I love you. I love your belly laugh, your sweet smile, the way you tilt your head to the side and sweetly ask, "Please?" I love the way you follow your sisters with adoration and the way they dote on you. I love the way your body feels against mine when you snuggle on my chest and the way you grab my face between  your two hands to give me a kiss. I love how excited you get when it's your turn to ride the lawn mower with Daddy...and how excited you get about the world in general. I love your beautiful heart that's growing to know God and His son, Jesus Christ.

Finn, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you! I am so thankful that you are a part of our family and that I have the honor of being your mommy. I pray that God will bless and protect you in the coming year. I love you, my sweet boy. You are God's best!


1 comment:

Kristy said...

Beautiful post...though, I think you have to be mistaken; there is no way that your baby is 2 years old. That little man is so lucky to have you as a mommy..Love you dear friend and happy "Birth" day to you!

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