Thursday, May 31, 2012

Just Keep Swimming, Just Keep Swimming...

Cassidy and Lily had their first swim team practice on Tuesday. They are a little rusty since we haven't been in the pool since last August, but with their determination they'll be swimming the length of the pool in no time. We were impressed to see how much they improved in just the first 30 minute practice session. AND they are having fun, which is the most important part anyway! :)

Cassidy working hard to get those arms out of the water as she practices her freestyle.

Lily is the tiniest one on the team, but all muscle and fight. She's already pretty fast...if we can just get her arms to come out of the water she'll be a force to be reckoned with.

Finn chillin' in the shallow end and watching the girls practice. :)

Cassidy breathing to the side like an old pro

Lily with Coach Zack...he's in Joey's IB class and is GMHS's valedictorian this year. He's great with these little ones...we love him already! :)

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