Sunday, September 23, 2012

Cassidy's Birthday Celebration, Part II

We had planned to have a couple of Cassidy's friends over for lunch and cupcake decorating (and EATING!) on Saturday and then take the kids over to the new aquatic center. Unfortunately, one friend had plans that morning and had to meet us later to swim and then other was unable to attend at the last minute, so it was up to Cassidy, Lily, and Finn to decorate and eat the cupcakes! :)

Cassidy and her edible work of art

Finn carefully adding sprinkles to his cupcake
Lily added about 15 yellow M&M's to her cupcake!

Finn was so proud! And he was smurf blue the rest of the day!

Sweets for the sweet!

Chubs (AKA Eli Two Chins)

Playing in the sprays at the aquatic center...I was concerned it would be really crowded but there was hardly anyone there! I guess folks haven't discovered it yet! :)
Sliding down the mini had to be at least 4 feet tall to ride the 3-story yellow monster!

Cassidy and Lily on the lazy river

Cassidy flying down the water slide. Joey and I rode was SO much fun!

Another lap on the lazy river

Joey, Finn, and Cassidy in the whirl pool...they call it the "water vortex!"

Finn went down the little blue slide at least 100 times!

Cassidy and Daddy shooting some hoops

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