Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Heart is Purple and Gold!

Our Pirate Family traveled back to G-ville yesterday for ECU Homecoming. It was a great day in Pirate Country!

"My heart is PURPLE & GOLD. I'm a Pirate down to my soul and I don't back down not at all. Find out when the cannons explode...All out til the last whistle blows from the flag with the skull and crossbones!" ...Udon Cheek and the Marching Pirates

The girls with our Pirate Captain, Coach Ruff

Pirate Grads
Once a Pirate, Always a Pirate

Daddy's Pirettes

Getting ready to watch the parade

The girls and PeeDee...Lily didn't want to get too close!

Cassidy got a pirate hat during the parade.


Croshaw and First Mate Finny

Former Fleming Hall Residents...ahhh, the memories! :)


Tailgating with pimiento cheese and corn dip...we are in HEAVEN!!!

One Happy Girl!

Lily was STARVING!!!!

Playing peek-a-boo with Daddy's hat

At the football game...we took turns pooping's Cassidy's turn right now! :)

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