Friday, October 29, 2010

Rand Road Run 2010

This week was Red Ribbon Week at Cassidy's school. The focus is "Say NO to Drugs!" and each day has a dress-up theme. There were door decorating competitions, a pep rally, a performance by a brass ensemble, and the week ended with the Rand Road Run, the school's annual fundraiser that emphasizes physical fitness. Our family joined Cassidy for a day of fun activities and fellowship with her classmates.

MONDAY: Team Sports Day
(I forgot to photograph all the other dress-up days: PJ's day, Wacky Day, and Sunglasses Day!)
Lily had her preschool Orange Party on Thursday, so I made her a special shirt for the occassion. She was SO excited when she saw it that she squealed and threw her arms around my neck...TOTALLY worth the effort for that one moment! :)

Watching the cheerleaders as they get the crowd excited!

Walking with friends over to the field games

Race #1: Jumping over bales of hay

Race #2: Sack Race
"Jump, Cassidy, Jump!!!"

This was Cassidy's FAVORITE game!

The Face of Determination



Celebrating Kindergarten-style :)

Finny stretching his legs while Lily takes a break from all the fun!

Balancing a pumpin on her head...there were 3 sizes and, of course, she chose the LARGEST one! :)

Lily's tatoo - a dinosaur

Cassidy's tatoo - a PINK ant

Lily and Cassidy's classmate, Zoe, were fast friends...maybe because they are the same size! :)

Lily with her best bud, Zoe, and Cassidy's best bud, Callisa

Meeting Mr. Snoopy, the Hot Dog Man

Lily showing off her dance moves...Finny (not pictured) was busy impressing all the adults with his rhythm! :)

Lily taking off at the start of the run!

Look at Cassidy GO!

Lily ran the ENTIRE time. Even when she fell and bumped her knees, she refused to quit and let me carry her. She said, "No, I have to do it myself. They don't hurt anymore." Then she dusted herself off and took off again! That's my tough girl.
Cassidy started and ended strong, but wanted to be carried part-way through the run. Mom says I would have been the same way at her age. :)
In the end, both girls did a great job. Cassidy ran 11 laps - exceeding her goal of 10 laps - and Lily ran 13 laps. Each ran about 1 1/2 miles total! Pretty awesome for such little legs! :)
After all that great exercise and fresh air, we were all STARVING. We had a little family picnic in Cassidy's classroom. YUM!!! :)

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