Monday, November 01, 2010

Trick-or-Treat 2010

We had so much fun last night, we're moving a little slow this morning. It's the Halloween Hangover...all the excitement and WAY too much SUGAR!!! :)

Cassidy transforming into Ariel...this is what happens when Daddy is alone in the costume shop...WIGS!!!

Princess Ariel

She added some accessories to her gloves and Rosetta shoes. Daddy supplied the Ariel Princess scepture.


That is some RED hair!!!

Joey's favorite part was seeing them in the skull caps...he cracked up every time! :)

Lily as Princess Tiana
(The only parts of the costume that even began to resemble Tiana were the wig and the crown, but she was happy, so who cares!)

Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen...when he was still a frog!

Pretty Princesses

Sweet Sisters

Finny as Tigger the Tiger

I cringe to think what Joey spent on this costume that he will only wear once...but I have to admit, he was SO stinkin' cute!!!

A Tale of Two Tiggers
(The boy LOVES Tigger!!!)

Precious Face
(He was such a good sport and didn't fuss at all while in his costume.)

Ready for Trick-or-Treating

We are SO excited!!!

When the door would open, the girls would announce, "I'm Tiana!" "I'm Ariel!" instead of saying "Tick-or-Treat!"

Lily had to examine her loot after each house...

...and for some unknown reason, she decided to pick a dandelion along the way and EAT it! Here she is trying to scrape dandelion fuzz off her tongue! :)

Tigger taking a ride with Prince Naveen

Tigger needed to stretch his legs, so he took a turn pushing the wagon...LOVE that tiger tail! :)

Exploring...he found Princess Ariel's Royal Scepture

Tigger climbing the steps to get his hands on his first Halloween candy!

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