Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday, Finny Michael!

My Sweet Finny Monkey,

Today marks the one year anniversary of the moment we first saw your precious face. You must have known how anxious we were to meet you – or maybe you were just sick of your cramped living quarters - because you came screaming into the world just 27 minutes after Daddy and I arrived at the hospital. Am I glad we didn’t hit traffic that morning!

And then, there you were, lying on my chest, your chubby, pink body and head full of black hair. And Daddy discovered that he had a son. And he cried because Daddy always cries when he is joyful beyond words. And our hearts overflowed with love for you, this beautiful new person who – like your sisters – would change our lives forever.

That was a whole year ago and, yet, ONLY a year ago. It is hard to believe that the adorable little 8-pound potato I brought home from the hospital is now the wild monkey that tears around my house at lightning speed, leaving a path of destruction behind him. It is hard to believe that the beautiful, dark-haired infant that your Mema triumphantly declared to be “A Dudley…finally!” is now the fair-haired boy that – save for the shape and color of his eyes – resembles his father more each day. Only God could create our bodies and minds so perfectly that we could undergo such radical growth in the course of 12 short months.

Finn, you are becoming such a wonderful little person. Each day we watch as your personality continues to emerge. You are rough and tough as all little boys should be – you regularly tackle your sisters – but you also know the gentle touch to use when petting Maddie and how to lean in tenderly and plant one of your slobbery open-mouthed kisses on my lips. You are a man of few words – and you often get annoyed if I try to force you to use them – but when you do speak, your meaning is VERY clear.

You LOVE Maddie dearly, and all animals by extension. We picked out your birthday present the other day and I let you choose between a farm version and a vehicle version of the same toy. You repeatedly chose the farm toy over the other…maybe you have a future career working with animals.

Cassidy and Lily are your two most favorite people in the whole world. They can entertain you for hours and make you laugh harder and longer than anyone else. You adore them and they, in turn, love you with the ferocity that only big sisters do. They will always be your most loyal allies and protectors…keep that in mind when you’re thinking about pummeling one of them.

Finn, I love you. I love your sweet face that lights up when I walk in the room and the feel of your soft little body as you snuggle on my shoulder. I love your inquisitive nature – you ask about everything – “Dis?” I love your million faces and expressions. I love your energy and excitement to try new things, even if it does keep me on the run all day. I love the love and the light you have brought into our family. I can’t imagine my world without you and I am so thankful to have the honor of guiding you as you grow into a wonderful man of God.

I love you, Finny Michael. Thank you for teaching me all about the wonder and joy of boys. I love you, my sweet boy. You are God’s best!


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