Tuesday, November 16, 2010

FBC Preschool Thanksgiving Feast

The 3's classes treated us to a Thanksgiving Feast and special musical performance today. Lily was SO excited. This morning she said the Ms. Jenny, the music teacher, told them that they needed to have big smiles on their faces for the parents. Following orders, Lily had a huge, fake smile plastered on her face the whole time she was on stage. It was hilarious and absolutely adorable! :)

Smiling BIG for the camera after she spotted Mommy in the audience
The 3's Classes

Dressed in her Indian costume...SO CUTE!

With Finny after the performance...she was ready to eat!

Blessing the food...Lily tends to be extreme, so it cracked me up that her hands were clasped as tightly as she could hold them and her eyes were squeezed shut!

"I'm a Little Indian"

"Mr. Turkey"

Thanksgiving Day Song...notice the HUGE (borderline scary) fake smile! :)

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