Saturday, November 13, 2010

Finn's 1-Year Portraits

This morning I made it all the way to JCP Portrait Studios by myself with 3 kids in tow. I arrived a few minutes shy of our 9:00 appointment only to discover that although I had 3 kids, 3 breakfasts, toys, blankets, diapers, and pocketbook, I had forgotten Finn's clothing! AHHHHH! I stood there panicking for several minutes then begged the receptionist to squeeze us in later in them morning after my parents drove all the way to my house and then all the way to the studio to bring me the clothes....did I mention how much I LOVE my parents?!?!?!

After a looooong delay I thought Finn might be too tired to get good pictures, but the photographer was great and she got some really cute shots. On top of that, the kids got to spend some time with Mema and Gran, topped off by a trip to Mickey D's for lunch and playtime. What could be better???

Here are some of my favorites from Finn's session:

Beautiful Blue Eyes

Little Man

Seriously, how cute is he?!?!?

And how CUTE is that suit?!?!

I never would purchase an outfit like this on my own...WAY too expensive...thank goodness for hand-me-downs! :)

Ready for a day on the yacht

This is Joey's absolute favorite!

Maybe he could be a Gap Kid model. :)

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