Tuesday, December 21, 2010

FBC Preschool Holiday Party

Lily's preschool class had their holiday party today complete with a special musical performance. Oh how I LOVE watching 3-year-olds perform...they never fail to entertain! :)

All the students made a special Christmas tree shirt to wear at the party. The tree was made for each child's handprints...one day we'll look back and think, "I can't believe she was ever that small!"

Love that sweet face with those rosy cheeks!

Perfectly posing with little brother...Finn's looking a little shaggy...and WET...cutting molars, he's a drool machine these days!

Lily with her classmates, minus two
(Andrew, Lily, Hannah, Diego, Brynn)

Shaking her jingle bells...she never stopped smiling!

Time to feast!

Playing with friends
"Away in a Manger"
"Jingle Bells" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas"

1 comment:

Grandpa Dick & Grandma Shirley said...

The kids are soo cute. Finn is growing way too fast. lol Merry Christmas from TEXAS. We love you.

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