Monday, December 20, 2010

A Typical Sunday Evening

This is how we spend an average Sunday evening...

...playing in the cave (who knew a couch and chair pushed together could be SO much fun?!?!)
Cool Hair Pic

Now THIS is what I call togetherness! :)
In other news...
Everyone in my house - except me - has had the pleasure of taking antibiotics this fall. Ear infection, strep, sinus infection, and bronchitis have already paid a visit. Now with the recent frigid temps, everyone is coughing again...and, I suspect, Lily may have her 3rd sinus infection of the year. I am trying with all my might to avoid new rounds of antibiotics...humidifiers, chest rub, extra zinc, vitamin C, ginko, antioxidant tea, and OTC cough medicine are currently part of our daily routine. If anyone has suggestions for additional homeopathic remedies that might help our little ones, please send me your comments. Come hell or high water, we are NOT going to be sick at Disney!!! :)

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