Friday, January 07, 2011

Christmas 2010

Our holidays were, as always, busy but fun. We spent Christmas Eve at home with Mema, Gran and Aunt Jennifer.

 The girls insisted on wearing their holiday best.

 Can't you just FEEL the love?!?!

 My Little Munchkins

 Finny getting a horsey ride from Mema

 Snuggling with Gran

 My Dad's ECU Pirate Jammies

 The girls were excited about their princess ornaments (Rapunzel and Tiana). EVERYTHING was Disney themed at our house this year!

 The girls were thrilled with the dollhouse dolls and furniture Mema and Gran gave them and Finny was WILD about all his new trucks! Mema and Gran got a kick out of watching him motor them all over the house.

 Christmas stockings included Cars, Princess, and Fairy bath soaps and accessories!

 Finny tired of opening presents and opted for standing in the rocking chair instead.

After stockings, we did a scavenger hunt for Disney spending money. The final clue led them to the video in the previous post. Cassidy's reaction - as you'll see above - is not quite what we expected. While we knew they may not scream with joy - it was a lot of info to take in - we were not expected her to get upset. Once we got to the root of it, we realized she was concerned that we were leaving immediately and not opening Christmas presents. We also think she was upset that we tricked her - she had been talking about going to Disney World, but we had been vague about whether or not we could actually go because we wanted it to be a surprise. Anyway, after a few minutes she was excited and wanted to see the video again. I was going to post it here, but the file must be too large because Blogger wouldn't load it. :)

 Lily loved her BARBIE princess shirt - the girls insisted it was Barbie and NOT a Disney Princess.

 A Belle shirt for our Belle

 Christmas afternoon we traveled to BSL to visit Grandma and more Walls family. Church was canceled on Sunday because of a few snowflakes - I guess that's what happens when you live at the beach - but Grandma took the girls to Church anyway and did Sunday School with them. They had  a blast!

 We also got to play with Cousin Connor. Joey, John and I ran 3+ miles each day we were there...wish we had pictures of that! It felt great - we even ran in the snow the first day - and I have decided that if I lived where the ground was flat, I would be an avid runner. I don't care much for running on hills! :)

 We returned home to 8+ inches of snow and the girls played for hours while we attempted to install my new washer and dryer...did I mention that I got new ones for Christmas??? Best present ever....BEST HUBBY EVER!!! Some people dream of jewelry, I dream of new cleaning appliances! :)

 PeePaw and Nana came by for a visit and to exchange gifts. The kids were really excited to see them.

Before we left for Disney, we made a rather sad looking snowman with the remains of our snow.

1 comment:

Simply Fit Mama said...

I can't believe how big they are getting, especially Finny!! I hope you guys had a blast at Disney world. The video is awesome. :) Miss you guys!

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