Friday, January 07, 2011

Walt Disney World

Disney was unbelievable. I've been to Disney World before, but not like this. Everyday life when seen through the eyes of your children is pretty amazing, but throw in princesses, faries, and pirates in the most magical setting imaginable and get ready for a mind-blowing experience. Below are just a few of the 1000+ moments we captured during our trip. 

 It's 3:00 p.m. on New Year's Eve and we're off. The girls are happily drawing with their Color Wonder Magic Markers and Finn is settleing in for a rest. Fifteen minutes later...

 Seriously, the excitement must have been too much for them! Cassidy's paper was actually stuck to her face. :)

 After spending a rest-LESS night in Jacksonville (I think Joey and I barely squeaked out 2 hours) we finally arrived at the Disney Gates.

 The computers at our resort were down so it took more than an hour to check in. They were actually turning people away, but Joey prayed - and refused to leave - and by the time we made it to the front of the line, the computers started working. This was just the first of many blessings from God during our trip.

After all the excitement, we were REALLY excited to sit down to our first meal at Disney!

 We stayed at the All-Star Movie Resort in the 101 Dalmations building. The kids LOVED all the characters around the property...Finn would pant like a puppy every time we passed them!

 Our 1st stop at Hollywood Studios - Playhouse Disney LIVE!

 The girls LOVED anything we're about to see the Muppets. Cassidy kept trying to reach out and grab whatever appeared to be right in front of her!

 My Favorite Part of the Day - the NYC street was lit with a billion Christmas lights. Music was in the air and "snow" was falling from the sky. It was breathtaking and I couldn't stop smiling!

 Decked out in our matching Mickey/Minnie shirts for our first day at the Magic Kingdom
 Mommy and Finny

 We were one of the lucky few that got to meet Rapunzel at a special meet and greet that included dancing with the princess. We were actually the last people they let get into line for one of the groups...we were SO thankful and the girls were beyond thrilled. Finn wasn't as happy...he cracked his head on the stone walkway...the first of at least a dozen spills he took on Disney property.

 The fairies were another must-see for us. This encounter was the first time Joey and I noticed that our girls were getting a lot more face time with the characters than most. The girls were so engaging and animated that many characters spent a LONG time talking with them before taking pictures. We got at least 10 minutes alone with the fairies because they (and the rest of the Disney staffers) thought Lily was a riot! :)

 Day 2 - We are getting ready for Animal Kingdom and this is where I find Finn.

 My Monkeys posing with the giant gorilla on the Tree of Life

 Lily attempted to collect every leaf in the Animal Kingdom...she seemed fascinated with all the different sizes, shapes and colors. We finally had to put a stop to her collection as she was seriously impeding progress!

 Here is where we learn that Lily is terrified of costumed characters that "do not talk!" Every time we made her pose with one, she would repeatedly scream at them, "Please don't touch me!!!"

 On the safari - Cassidy was very intent on getting pictures with her new camera. After the safari, she complained that "Mommy and Daddy kept putting their arms in my picture!" because we were pointing out animals. As part of the tour, we chased poachers away from a baby elephant. After the ride was over, Joey said to Lily, "Lily, you did it! You saved the baby elephant!" Lily, in her very Lily way, responded, "I DID??? HOW DID I DO THAT?!?!" With an angry fist up in the air, she referred threateningly to the "pokers" the rest of the day.

 No need to worry about keeping up with your normal exercise routine at will walk miles while carrying your children!

 The kids were eager to see more animals after the safari. They especially loved the fish!

 The tigers are always my favorite. :)

 After staring at him from a distance at Magic Kingdom, Finny finally got to meet Tigger. He was not thrilled to be so close to him. :)

 Best Show at Disney: Celebration of the Lion King
AWESOME!!! One of only two shows that had REALLY good singers...not to mention the dancers and acrobats! :)
 Pocahontas was a great surprise at Animal Kingdom

 Finding Nemo: The Musical was a close second to the Lion King. Great puppets and performers! :)

 Our 2nd Day at Magic Kingdom
There were NO lines this day so we flew through so many fun experiences! :) I will ALWAYS visit Disney in January!!! The weather was fabulous and there were NO crowds!!!

 The girls were as excited to meet the stepmother and stepsisters as they were Cinderealla. They got lots of visiting time with them and during the parade later that day the stepmother came over and said, "Oh, here are my friends, Cassidy and Lily!" Joey and I were thrilled that she remembered the girls!

 Finny gets a kiss from a stepsister

 Princess Tiana and Prince Naveen
During the parade Tiana looked down at us and said, "Oh, look! There's the Frog Prince!" Again, we were so excited that she remembered us! (Finn was wearing his frog prince shirt that day.)

 Another loooong visit...this time with Ariel. At this point, Joey and I are saying to each other, "Is it just me, or have we been standing here a really long time???"

 Riding Aladdin's Magic Carpet

 Princess Jasmine and Aladdin

 Even Daddy, who doesn't like to spin, rode the magic carpet ride...twice!

 Patiently waiting for Mommy and Cassidy while we....

 ...rode SPACE MOUNTAIN!!! This was Cassidy's 2nd roller coaster...she rode Thunder Mountain with Joey earlier in the day. She was very brave and didn't back out even when she had to sit in a seat all by herself. I leaned over her seat and wrapped my arms around her as best as I could. Then we took off in our rocket. Either leaning forward was a BAD idea or I am getting too old for roller coasters, but spinning, dropping, and flying around in the dark is not as fun as I once thought. I tried to make my screams sound like I was having fun (and I threw in a few "hang on babys" for good measure) but really I was thinking, "When is this thing going to be over??? Get me off!!!!" When the ride was over I half expected Cassidy to be crying, but she just looked at me with a half smile and said, "I did it, Mommy, and guess what? I was a little bit scared." Me too, baby, me too.

 Joey further conquered his fear of spinning - and then throwing up - and went on the teacups twice! :)

 Finny couldn't leave Disney without a ball and an Tigger hat!

 Breakfast with the princesses at Epcot on our last day began with a photo session with Belle.
I would do just about anything to see those smiles. :)

 Later in the day, we boarded clam shells for a ride through the ocean with Nemo.

 We got to see more sea creatures in the aquarium. Finn especially loved the dolphins...he would scream and laugh every time one swam past.

 Peeking out of Bruce's mouth

 Meeting Belle and the Beast in France...Finn was not scared of the Beast at all...he was fascinated!

 Playing in the Sensory Funhouse

 We put ourselves into a computer game that we then got to play.

 Daddy and Finn on the fire truck in the fire safety center

We were VERY sad to leave on our last day, but the memories we made will last us a lifetime! :)

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