Monday, January 24, 2011

For Our Troops

I am thinking of our troops this morning and all they do to protect our freedoms. Perhaps I should explain. See, we have a stomach bug visiting at our house. I started throwing up Saturday evening and all three kids followed just a few hours later. Thankfully, Joey hasn't caught it so he's been on constant clean-up/nurse duty.

Anyway, no one's been able to eat anything in over 24 hours, which leaves us all very weak and lethargic. Making my way from my bed to the couch is an exhausting task that requires a nap. I'm feeling pretty rotten...and then I thought of our soldiers, in particular the ones who were prisoners of war. They endured starvation and sickness for years. They had no soft beds or warm blankets. They didn't have a toilet to throw up into, a warm shower to refresh themselves, or clean pajamas to wear. No endless supply of cool, fresh water or clean, healthy, non-maggot-filled food was always available to them when they needed it. To add insult to injury, they were often tortured and forced to perform manual labor. What strength of mind it must have taken to endure...I just tried to start a load of laundry and felt as if I were going to pass out. But endure they did, and all in the name of freedom.

So to the men and women who serve and have served in our armed forces, I say "thank you." May God bless you and your families for many generations to come.

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