Thursday, January 20, 2011

Princess Cupcakes

Auntie Jenn likes to do baking projects with the girls over Christmas break. Last year, they did gingerbread houses. This year the holidays were hectic and Auntie Jenn was under the weather so we did an after-Christmas project instead...PRINCESS CUPCAKES!!!

 Lily carefully adding sprinkles to her cupcake.

 She was more interested in sneaking the candies and icing into her mouth than getting them on the cake!

 Cassidy is proud of her confectionary masterpiece.
(See the cool "paints" in the corner of the picture? We had princess pictures made out of sugar that we placed on each cupcake. Then the girls got to paint each picture and then decorate with sprinkes and more frosting.)

 Lily does not subscribe to the "less is more" theory when it comes to cupcake decorating.

 One of Cassidy's Confections

All finished! The girls have enjoyed eating them as much as they enjoyed making them! :)

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