Monday, January 17, 2011

Snow Day?

Last week, our little part of the world was expecting a MAJOR snow/ice storm. While several counties around us got several inches of snow, we saw only a few flakes.

 Here the girls are trying to snag a few flakes on their tongue. They kept asking, "Where's the snow?!?!"

 So, what do you do on a snow day when there's NO SNOW?!?! Fortunately, my creative girls came up with a solution. They found a project in Cassidy's High Five magazine and went to work making Rainy Day Boxes!

 Painting is soooooo much fun.


 Lily is proud of her handiwork.

Finn's 1st Masterpiece
(He had to get in on the action, too, ya know!)

 The artist's signature (at least at our house)...a handprint!

In the end we got an almost invisible sheet of ice on everything, including the roads. I discovered the ice as I was striding in a most cavalier manner down the sidewalk, talking on the phone to my mother about how our roads were fine. She got a good laugh from my screams when shoe met ice and I was flailing about in my yard trying to stay upright! :)

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