Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Party Fit for A Princess

One of Cassidy's Kindergarten pals celebrated her 6th birthday today. Joey escorted Cassidy to Grandma's Princess for a morning of princess pampering and a birthday luncheon. (Cassidy insisted he take her as every princess needs a prince!)

Princess Transformation Step 1: Find the PERFECT dress.
(Even though Cassidy normally loves all things pink, she chose an elegant blue gown that matched her eyes.)

Princess Transformation Step 2: Sparkly, Strappy, High-Heeled Shoes

Princess Transformation Step 3: Fancy Up-Do
("Grandma" - the kind woman who owns Grandma's Princess - took one look at Cassidy's thick curls and said, "Oh, you don't even need my special princess hair!" She put the extensions in anyway!)

Princess Transformation Step 4: A delicate, jeweled tiara

Looking lovely...

...and very lady-like.

Cassidy with friends, Olivia and Aislin

Princess Transformation Step 5: Nails and Make-up
(Do I even need to mention that she was in HOG HEAVEN?!?!)

I think Joey almost had a heart attack when he saw her with make-up on...he said he had to hold back the tears!

Princess Transformation Step 6: Gorgeous Jewelry
(With Joey's help she chose the perfect pieces to complement her gown.)

Patiently waiting for the other princesses

With her buddy Olivia

Before they sat down for their princess feast, each princess was introduced as she walked the "red carpet."

Pretty Princesses

Seated for the luncheon. Aislin chose Cassidy as one of her Maids-in-Waiting, which meant she got to sit next to the birthday girl in a special chair.

She was thrilled to be able to pour her own "tea" (pink lemonade) from the silver teapot into her fancy teacup!

Chatting with friends

Princess Luncheon

Delicately licking a birthday cupcake

Our little lady patiently watching as birthday gifts are opened.


Kristy said...

Are you kidding me? This is AWESOME. Why didn't they have something like this when I was little? Do you think they let grown ups have parties there too? :)

I will say, "Grandma" must be a saint!

Tracey said...

You're not kidding! Joey said "Grandma" was the only worker bee there...she must have been lightning fast to get all those girls dolled up AND throw them an elegant luncheon!

Jenn said...

I agree with there one for grown ups??

Cassidy looks BEAUTIFUL! Can't wait to hear her take on it.

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