Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Fun on the Farm

This week NCSU is hosting its annual Farm Days. We went last year and had an absolute blast...there were turkeys, baby goats, bunnies of all shapes and sizes, chicks to hold, cows, horses, sheep, and even farm equipment that you could sit on. So, of course, when I found out it was time for Farm Days again, I loaded Lily, Finn, and Baby Jordan (who I was keeping for the morning) in the car and headed out with my friend Kristy and her two monkeys for some fun on the farm!

But fun was NOT had. The unending line of cars and school buses pouring into the farm should have been my first clue that we were in over our heads. While all the great exhibits were still there, there were also hoards of excited, rambunctious school children running, jumping, was a little overwhelming for our small herd. We were pushing our strollers through rolling fields and muddy barns (I was also carrying Finn who refused to walk OR ride in the stroller with Jordan)...I think that counted as today's exercise. Finn was crying to be held, poor Jordan just wanted a nap, and Lily was ticked because there was no room in the stroller for her! I thought I was going to give the kids a great experience...apparently instead I was torturing them! Kristy and I laughed and shook our heads at the ridiculous situation we found ourselves in. We took a couple of pictures to prove we had been there, and trudged back to our cars carting our 5 children. I'm sure the video of it all would be hilarious! :)

Fortunately, Hudson's Hardware has baby chicks in their store in preparation for the Easter holiday, so we salvaged the outing with a quick trip to pet the chicks. Thank goodness for best friends like Kristy with whom to share days like these...and many better ones, too! :)

After much encouragement, Finn finally got up to the fence to see the bunnies.

He didn't want to move - even though there were children wildly pushing for his spot - but he refused to touch the bunny!

"Seriously, Aunt Tracey, what the heck are we doing here?!?!"
(Finn looks like he's high...and a surfer...)

Trying to get them excited about seeing a cow and her calf 

Group shot to prove we were at Farm Days

Ahhh, now this is more like it! No crowds and LOTS of fuzzy chicks to pet!

Finn was fascinated...but he was careful not to drop his apple...the boy loves his food!

Jordan was VERY interested in the chicks, too. He was trying to climb into the tub with them! :)

My Favorite Shot of the Day

How cute are the cousins together???

1 comment:

Kristy said...

This post made my day! I seriously just sat here and chuckled thinking about us trudging through the pasture to get back to our cars. Hopefully we didn't traumatize our kids (or little Jordan) too much.

Love you dear friend and today was just another day for our sweet book of precious memories!

BTW. I am so glad I grabbed your camera and caught the sweet moment with you guys and the chicks! Just priceless.

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