Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Family Reunion

Saturday we made a last minute trip to Sanford to crash a family reunion. Joey's maternal grandmother's family gathers each year at a little church to visit and connect with extended family. We got to meet lots of family for the first time - or in Joey's case since he was a little boy - and the bonus was that Aunt Shirley and Uncle Dick (aka Grandma Shirley and Grandpa Dick) were here all the way from Texas. We absolutely adore them and were thrilled to get to spend some time with them!

Uncle Dick working on a Blue's Clues puzzle with the kids

Aunt Shirley with her boys and the blankies she lovingly made for them

Grandma snuggling her babies

Grandma and Finny

Grandma and her baby

Lily snuggling her baby bro

Sweet, sweet smiles on those precious faces!

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