Thursday, November 01, 2012

Trick-or-Treat 2012

The kids were wild with excitement last night as we trick-or-treated our neighborhood. We were by far the LOUDEST group...the kids squealed and shrieked with delight the entire time! ("Look, LOOK, Mommy! I got SKITTLES!!!") You'd think they'd never seen candy before!

Finn, Eli and I started our morning at a special Halloween storytime! At first, Finn didn't want to wear his costume, but when he heard there would be treats he quickly changed his mind!

A poor attempt at a group shot...please ignore my crazy eyes!

Trick-or-Treating during the costume parade

Cassidy as Rainbow Brite! As a child of the '80s, this may be my favorite costume EVER! I found it at a consignment sale years ago. Of course, I had to pull up the cartoon on Netflix so the kids could see who Rainbow Brite was! :)

Rainbow ribbons for her hair

Finn as Thomas the Tank Engine

Lily as Rapunzel (Thank you, Hannah, for letting us borrow your costume!)

Her braid...not quite as long as Rapunzel's! :)

Our motley crew of monkeys!

World's Cutest Pirate!!!

All dressed up and ready to go!

Stopping at Spiderman's house...they said "take what you want!"...BIG MISTAKE!!! :)

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