Friday, January 11, 2013

Holidays 2013

We hardly took any pictures over the holidays...and for the first time in our marriage, Joey was OK with that. Typically he insists on taking multiple photos of every present that's opened, but this year he allowed me to put down the camera. "These moments are just for us," he said. So this year our most precious holiday memories are not recorded in an album, but are held only in our hearts.

A pre-Christmas photo shoot

"HOORAY!!!" (And Eli's thinking, "What the HECK are we doing NOW?!?!")

Sweet Monkeys (L-O-V-E Finn's crazy eyes!)

Jumping for Joy (Doesn't Eli's face just exude joy?)

Now that's more like it...there's my happy baby!

I could just eat those cheeks!

Lily's crimped hair (she slept in her braid)

At Rand Road's winter play...Cassidy was in the chorus. She's wearing a 4T dress as a festive creative solution to needing a red shirt for the performance!

Finn making a pinecone birdfeeder at Ready to Learn

Grandma opening her new blanket that has all 16 grandkids' names embroidered on it.

"Wrapped in Love" (She's happier than she looks, folks! :)

Opening presents at Grandma's

Lily is over the moon for her new panda hat and mittens...the girl LOVES pandas!

Cassidy in her new Hello, Kitty ear muffs

Finn in his new fireman's costume...his favorite part is the working bullhorn!

All panda'd up!

Eli opening his first Christmas present

My favorite part of Christmas morning....the kids passing out their handmade gifts. They ranged from illustrated stories (Cassidy made one for Finn) to a colored picture of a cat (Lily gave me this and said it was to remind us of Maddie, which of course made me immediately burst into tears), to a copy of Cassidy's spelling words (which was random, but which the recipient graciously accepted). Pictured above is one of Lily's gifts to Cassidy. They were SO proud to give this year! :)

A picture drawn for Finn by one of the girls

Cassidy's gift to Lily...a card with a picture of my two favorite sisters

We also let the kids pick out gifts from the Dollar Tree for each other. One of Finn's gifts was a pirate costume!

Modeling their new bathrobes...they have worn them everyday since they opened them!

Showing off his new Cookie Monster jammies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!! I am much much happier than I look with my new blanket. I was choking back all the tears of joy. I LOVE my blanket and I do feel WRAPPED in LOVE when I use it!!!!!! Thanks so much!!!

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