Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January Fun

Just some random pictures from all the fun we've had while the girls have been on track out!

One afternoon last week I discovered that Finn had climbed into the crib with Eli..., of course, I had to take a picture!

My Sweet Boys

Post-holiday baking with Auntie's an annual tradition!

Finn carefully decorating his gingerbread man

Cassidy insisted she didn't eat any of her green icing, but her tongue told another story!

Lily didn't even try to hide the fact that she was eating her icing...and candy decorations, and Twizzler strands.

Auntie Jenn's Gingerbread Man

Finn's Gingerbread Man (Does he look distressed because he knows he's going to be eaten?)

Cassidy's Cupcakes (Left - Finn, Right - Daddy...ha, ha, ha!)

Finn had his first trip to the dentist. He was very cooperative, but refused to speak...or smile.

On Saturday, Cassidy made this...a pyramid of dominoes, princess checkers, and BINGO tokens.

It was pretty impressive, but even more impressive was the amount of patience and focus it took to finish it.

As promised, Auntie Jenn came to have a slumber party with the kids...and she brought fondue!

Cassidy got messy...on purpose.

Mmmmm, chocolate and strawberries!

HAPPY BABY...who cut his first tooth! :)

Finn's chocolate Hitler 'stache

Lily could NOT be the only one without a chocolate smeared photo!

Hours of fun with Play Doh (And clean up is super easy since I started making them play on the floor on a vinyl tablecloth...thanks for the idea, Grandma!)

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