Sunday, November 10, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday, Finny Monkey!

Four years ago at this moment we were pulling up to the hospital. Joey let me out at the front door - I had to stop halfway out of the truck for a contraction - and I waddled into the building and up to the sign-in desk. I leaned heavily on the desk to brace myself as the waves of pain hit and the receptionist leisurely strolled around gathering my paperwork...she assumed as I did that anyone able to walk into the hospital unassisted was in no imminent danger of delivering. We were both wrong. At 8:15 I was officially checking into the triage make sure I was far enough along to be given a labor room. "One, two, three, four, five, six,'re at a seven!" the nurse cheerily announced...and my water broke. The mood in the room immediately went from casual to electric, an energy that one of the nurses later told me they all "absolutely love!" I was strapped to the bed and immediately wheeled to a L&D room and 27 short (or LONG if you were the person splitting in half) minutes later Finnegan Michael Walls took his first breath and rocked my world. Who knew how glorious it would be to be the mother to a son, especially one as shy, sweet, cuddly, rambunctious and funny as my precious Finny? God is good.

Yesterday, we celebrated Finn's birthday in Pirate Country at ECU's homecoming. A parade, a leisurely stroll through campus, treats from the student store, LOTS of pictures, Parkers' BBQ, stew, and cornsticks, playtime with cousins as the football game played in the background, a Mario Cart birthday cake, and, of course, presents...the day could not have been sweeter.

Today - Finn's actual birthday - I'm feeling a pajama day coming on. Lots of snuggling, a Wii family game marathon, just being together. I must post my favorite pics from yesterday quickly so I can go grab up my boy and cuddle him when 8:42 arrives. :)

Hangin' out in front of UBE
Our ECU Cheerleader

All ready for the parade!

Finny and Auntie Jenn

Pirate Family!!!

Daddies and their babies

Lily and Jordan

Eli was VERY interested in Summer!

Our Family

Running around the Flemming Courtyard

Posing with PeeDee...Finn looks like he's about to be beheaded!

Two good family shots in one day? This NEVER happens!

How high can you fly?


My Boys

In front of the fountain...Eli refused to sit still for this one!

Finn's Mario Cart Cake...this is the finish line from Bowser's Castle! ;)


Uncle Bailey sharing cake with Eli

Summer and Jordan made Finn birthday cards...Summer was a little reluctant to give up her excellent artwork! :)

Brother Cousins in PJs...doesn't get much sweeter than that!

Our 4-Year-Old in his new Angry Birds jammies

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