Sunday, November 24, 2013

November News

Just a little bit of what's been going on here...

Lily lost her second top tooth. She loves her HUGE hole and now spits when she talks! :)

Lily was slated to test for her orange belt a couple of weeks ago, but we had already made plans to be out of town for ECU's homecoming so we told her she'd have to wait until December to test. She was devastated...after all her hard work she did NOT want to wait. The Tuesday after the test Eli was sick so I dropped the girls at karate, made arrangements with Joey for him to pick them up, and took our sick baby home. Imagine my shock when Lily walked in after class looking like this!

Master Redfield gave her a private test during class. She had to do all her forms and basic one-steps by herself and then break her board. Joey walked in just in time to see her receive her belt. We were both disappointed to have missed watching her, but she was SO thrilled to have moved up in rank and was not upset that we were not present!

Perfect round-house kick form! :)

Auntie Jenn gave Finn some mustaches for his birthday! He LOVED them and wore this one all morning! :)

Play-doh on the deck...why has it taken me so long to come up with this BRILLIANT idea?!?!?

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