Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Belated Holiday Post

The holidays were a whirlwind of fun, family time, and house showings (yes, we had people coming to look at our house over Christmas break!)! I finally had time today - thanks to the snow - to download the pictures from our camera and pull out a few of my favorites. I've gotten so bad at remembering to take pictures that I have no photos of our time with our extended family...I guess I'm just having too much fun! :)

Waiting to watch the Garner Christmas Parade

The girls dressed for church at Grandma's...we had to take multiple shots in a variety of poses. In this photo, they are posing with their "pets."

Hanging out with cousin Jarrett and his sweet girlfriend

It was late when we finally arrived home on Christmas Eve (and poor Eli was sick), but we still kept our tradition of opening our Christmas ornaments and hanging them on the tree before bed! Eli got a lion reading books from "Between the Lions."

For our Mario Cart aficionado, it was Donkey Kong in his race car!

Lily and Cassidy were thrilled with their Elsa and...

...Anna ornaments from Frozen. Grandma took them to see the movie while we were visiting.

Dancing with Daddy to the music from his National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation ornament

After we got the kids into bed, Joey still had to assemble scooters and a big wheel while I made scavenger hunt clues for the kids final gifts!

Christmas morning - Cassidy excitedly sported her new fashion frames all day! I was hoping this would put an end to the plastic strawberry sunglass frames (missing the lenses) that she had been wearing all over town the past few months, but she just passed them on to Lily who now proudly wears them! :)

Eli LOVES his new Bob the Builder cup!

Daddy and his little man...he is such a Daddy's boy these days.

Eli was thrilled with the stuffed lion Finn bought him for Christmas. He spent the whole morning holding it and roaring! :)

A jewelry kit from Cassidy
My favorite part of Christmas this year was that the kids purchased each other gifts with their own money. They were extremely generous and wanted to purchase gifts they knew their siblings would especially like no matter what the cost. We ended up limiting them to $5 per person, but even with that stipulation they took great care in selecting thoughtful and meaningful gifts for everyone in the family. Their loving hearts were the greatest blessing of the season!

Cassidy took her gift giving a step further and made some gifts and cards for us as well. Here Lily is sporting some "gloves" Cassidy made her from some old's the thought that counts, right? (She also made some gifts for her Our Generation doll.)

A nail polish kit from Finn to the girls...they have had so much fun trying out all the pretty colors!

Eli's rocking/bouncy horse from Mema and Gran...he bounces so hard on it that it moves forward!

Scavenger hunt grand prizes - scooters for the girls and a big wheel for Finn! We've already gotten lots of use out of our new outdoor toys! :)

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