Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Day in Pirate Country

This past weekend, while Joey was on the Asheboro Leadership Retreat with the high school, the girls and I went with my parents to Greenville for ECU's Purple/Gold Weekend. As part of the weekend, ECU was opening a new football locker room, and to honor my dad as a letterman my mom had his name put on one of the new lockers. We were able to attend a special ceremony and tour the new locker rooms. We also went to the BBQ tailgate and the Purple/Gold game courtesy of the university. The girls had a blast - they are already Pirates to the core - and were thrilled with getting to see the cheerleaders, PeeDee, and the football team in action. GO PIRATES!!!

Had to take a few pics before we left the house...when they were still nice and neat! :)

What a big girl she has become!

Her smile says it all...slightly mischievious and VERY silly! That's my Cassidy Grace!

Lily looking beautifully serene...a rare moment of calm for this ball of energy!

Lily, Mema, and Cassidy with PeeDee the Pirate. The girls were SO excited to see the statue. Lily kept yelling, "It's PeeDee the Pirate!"

The girls with their Mema

Posing with Aunt Heather before the ceremony

Cheering for the Pirates
(Later in the day, Cassidy got to meet a couple of the cheerleaders. She was so excited and immediately started digging through our bags to get out her pom poms. I guess she wanted to be in full uniform so that they would know that she was an official cheerleader too!)

Lily in the new Pirate locker room

Trying to get them to pose for a picture in the new locker room. They had been still and quiet for the ceremony so this is the best picture I could get. They spent the rest of the time running around the locker room like wild people...we will probably never be invited back! :)

Lily with Aunt Heather

Cassidy immediately found the bouncy slide at the tailgate. She had so much fun sliding, but had a hard time NOT cutting in line! :) Once she jumped so hard she did a flip on the way down the slide. As she climbed off the slide she said, "That was fun! Again, again!"
I have NO pictures of the football game because I accidentally left my camera in the car. I was so bummed. The girls were so cute cheering and shaking their pom poms, yelling whenever they saw PeeDee, and cheering when the teams scored a touchdown. For the next two days Lily kept telling everyone, "I saw a TOUCHDOWN!!!!"

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