Friday, May 08, 2009

Mother's Tea

Yesterday, Cassidy's school hosted a Mother's Tea for all the 3-year-old moms. We were treated to a performance by the kids, gifts from our children, and a yummy snack. Our gifts included paper flowers, paper flower corsages (SO cute!), a poem with our child's handprint, a homemade candle holder, and a list of questions our child answered about us. According to Cassidy:

I am as pretty as a flower.
I weigh 26 pounds and am 50 feet tall. (WOAH!)
My favorite place to go is Disney World.
She thinks I'm funny when I make silly faces.
I am so smart. I even know how to do gymnastics. (I do?!?!)
She wouldn't trade me for anybody. (Awww. Now I'm teary!)
The morning was fun. The girls and I got dressed up for the occassion. I have to say, it's the best Mother's Day present I could get! :)
Lily playing at Mema and Gran's before the Mother's Tea

The preschoolers were all lined up in a line to sing for us. As soon as Lily spotted Cassidy, she ran up to join her. I, of course, dutifully went and removed her from the line and brought her back to the audience. She immediately threw a fit, crying and screaming, "I want Cassidy Grace!" Ms. Laura finally came over and said she could go stand with the she did! :)

Mommy and her two favorite girls

Cassidy and Lily chowing down on the goodies at the Mother's Tea
This is a video of the song the kids sang for us at the Mother's Tea. SO SWEET!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Seriously, this may be the cutest thing EVER. What a great start to the Mother's Day weekend. And, the list Cassidy made cracked me up. Love it!

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