Monday, June 08, 2009

Happy Birthday, Lily Anne!

It was 2 years ago today at 5:03 a.m. that Lily Anne Walls first graced us with her presence. Lily has always been a surprise...from the moment we found out she was on the way, to the wild doctor's appointment that led to her birth, to this very morning when she insisted on taking a shower with me instead of watching "Blue's Clues."

Lily, I love your daily surprises, your contagious smile, the way you throw your head back with wild abandon when you laugh, your unmistakeable southern accent, how hard you try to imitate Cassidy and yet are completely different from her in almost every way, how you volunteer to pray with enthusiasm, the way you sing (on key!) with your heart, your love for snuggling, that you confess that you are "brave" every day, and how you express your love through hugs, kisses, and "Mommy, you're the best!" You will never know how much you have blessed our lives with your light. I pray that God blesses you abundantly in the coming year. I love you my sweet girl. You are God's best!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my!! What a beautiful BABY!! Has it really been two years already? Grandma sure does love you, Lily girl!!

Criss said...

Happy Birthday to a very beautiful baby girl! I hope you have a wonderful day today.You have brought a lot of joy into all of our lives the past two years and I am looking forward to watching you grow into the fine young lady I know you will be! I love you very much, Aunt Criss

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