Thursday, August 20, 2009

Not exactly what I wanted to hear...

I went to the OB today for a glucose test and a follow-up ultrasound to check the location of my placenta. I was diagnosed with partial placenta previa at my first ultrasound and although Lucy, one of my midwives, assured me that 90% of the time it corrects itself by the time of delivery, we needed to recheck it's location today. My understanding is that as long as the placenta is 2 cm away from the cervix then I can still have a vaginal delivery. Closer than that and a C-section is on the table for discussion...if not an imminent reality. Of course, Joey and I have been praying for the placenta to move...we want a natural delivery if at all possible, and especially as someone who has already pushed two people out of my body, I'd rather not also add to my list of baby trophies severed abdominal muscles and a C-section scar.

So, with 3 children (Bennett, Cassidy, and Lily) in tow, I arrived for my ultrasound. The children were exceptionally well-behaved (I had offered a reward of a popscicle to whoever could sit still and obey) and they enjoyed seeing the baby on the computer screen. However, the news was less than ideal. Although my placenta has moved some - it is no longer covering my cervix - it is still close to my cervix. To measure the exact distance from my cervix the technician had to do an internal ultrasound, which meant I had to strip down in front of poor Bennett - I have probably scarred him for life...sorry, Jaymee! - and then had to hear Cassidy squeal when she saw WHERE they were putting the wand! The technician measured, but was unable to tell me any additional information...I'll have to wait until my September visit to see just how far my placenta has moved, the odds that it will move much further at this point, and their feelings on my delivery status. Not exactly what I wanted to hear...

But, the icing on the cake was when the technician asked if I knew the sex of the baby. I told her that I did, but that the children didn't. I said, "Is it a ...?" and then spelled male or female (because I have a feeling that if I had spelled boy or girl, Cassidy would have understood!). She looked, but could NOT confirm her original diagnosis! Good thing I have one gender-neutral newborn sleeper...I guess I'll be packing it to take to the hospital! Not exactly what Tracey the Planner wanted to hear...

Anyway, I allowed myself a few minutes of frustration and now am renewing my mind to what God's Word says. He can do "exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think according to the power that worketh in us." He loves me and wants me to be blessed. It is with this mindset that I move forward.


Kristy said...

Hang in there girl. Regardless of how the baby is born or the sex of the baby, you will be thrilled beyond belief when you hold the little one in your arms!

Feel free to call me anytime just to vent!

Alicia said...

Hugs Tracey!
I have "pushed two people out of my body" and then had a c-section! I know it's not the way you want it to go, but if it does go that way, everything will be ok. I actually preferred the third method. :) Hopefully everything will be in place for an easy delivery the way you want it to go.

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