Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, Cassidy Grace!

My Darling Cassidy,

Four years ago today at 5:53 p.m. my life changed forever. Daddy and I often wonder what we did for fun before you came along. That's a hard question to answer because today it is impossible to imagine our lives without your sweet smile, your great big hugs and large loud kisses, your loving prayers at meals, bedtime, and fellowship, your silly jokes, your contagious laughter, your voice floating from the back of the van as you passionately belt out a song, your insightful questions, and your requests of "just one more story" before bed. I love that you dance around our living room, swirling and twirling in your favorite princess costume, that you are Mommy's Super Helper in every way, often even taking Lily to the bathroom without being asked, that you love with your whole heart, that you adore nature (even slugs and worms), that you have an imagination that can take you - and anyone that's with you - anywhere to do anything, that you praise me for my efforts as much as I praise you for yours, the way you "read" to Lily by reciting books from memory, your elephant's memory (you never forget ANYTHING!), your love for snuggling, and the sound of your voice saying, "I love you, Mommy!" many times a day.

Four years ago today at 5:53 p.m. my life changed forever...and I am incredibly thankful that it did! You have brought more joy into my world than I could ever fully explain. Happy Birthday, Cassidy Grace! I love you, my sweet girl! You are God's best!


1 comment:

Kristy said...

Happy Birthday Ms. Cassidy! We hope you have an extra-special day!

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