Saturday, June 09, 2012

Lilybug's 5th Birthday

Lily celebrated her 5th birthday officially yesterday and again today with friends at the pool. I can't believe it's been 5 years since - after a long night of induction - I finally saw her for the first time. My first words were, "Oh my goodness! She's so tiny!" She was...and she still is...but she is a tiny little ball of muscle, and fight, and fire, and spunk, and laughter, and heart. I love you, my sweet Lilybug, and this song is for you! I hope you never tire of singing in the car with your mama! (This is our favorite...Lily on melody, Mommy on harmony.)

Opening presents...she squealed when she opened her new panda outfit!

Excited about her new Tinkerbell towel

Lily's Panda Cake...the girl is WILD about pandas!

All dolled up to go eat birthday dinner at Moe's...she's been asking to go for months!

Showing off a new bow from Grandma

Love these monkeys!

Lily and her BFF, Hannah

The Three Musketeers (Hannah, Lily, and Keely)

Enjoying some lunch after a busy morning of swimming

Blowing out her "sparkly number 5 birthday candle"

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