Sunday, May 20, 2012

ASU Graduation

I'd never been to Boone, but last weekend we drove into the mountains to celebrate our neice, Katy's, graduation from ASU. It was a fun-filled family weekend in an absolutely beautiful setting and, of course, we had a fabulous time!

Although the drive up the mountain was a little precarious, the view from our cabin was well worth the effort.

Our Katy receiving her diploma

The Graduate and Mom

Elizabeth, Katy, and John


Mommy/Aunt Tracey came with a bag full of supplies to entertain the youngest Walls in the group. It's bubble time!

PeePaw with Cassidy, Lily, Finn, and Connor...who could not be distracted from their bubbles long enough to take a picture.

Me, Katy, and Joey

Hot Tub Time!!! (My monkeys had a hard time understanding that it was NOT a swimming pool...they wanted to jump and splash and swim!)

Cassidy "swimming"

Lily jumping

Finny jumping

All wrapped up and taking a swim break

Giving Grandma some special Mother's Day gifts

Pure Love

Our Cabin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures!! It was a great week-end!!!! It was awesome sharing Mother"s Day with all you guys!!! Breakfast was soooooo good!!!!

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